Fictional characters names


Gardfield is an english pet name for male cat

Popularized by the comic and cartoon series Garfield.

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Gatsby is a German pet name for male dog.

Variant of the German surname Gadsby, meaning “natural of Gaddesby” (a place located in Leicestershire).

Name of the protagonist of the novel “The Great Gatsby” created by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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Geppeto is an Italian boy name.

Name of a carpenter that mades a wooden boy in the story “Pinocchio”.

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Gizmo is an unknown origin pet name for male dog.

Creature of the movie “Gremlins”.

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Gmork is an unknown origin pet name for male wolf.

Name of a werewolf who appears in the novel “The Neverending Story”.

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Godzilla is a Japanese pet name for male iguana.

Fictional Japanese monster who has starred in numerous films.

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Goku is a Japanese boy name.

Name created by Akira Toriyama for the animated series “Dragonball”.

It is formed by the Japanese terms “go” (lighting) and “ku” (sky).

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Goofy is a english pet name for male dog. Meaning “woof“.

Character of Mickey Mouse´s saga.

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Grey Wind

Grey Wind is an English pet name for male wolf.

Name of one of the wolves that appear in the series “Game of Thrones”.

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Gromit is an english pet name for male dog.

Star in the cartoon series “Wallace and Gromit”.

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