Results for Isa

Ryō Un Maru

Ryō Un Maru is an Japanese Fishing boat name.

This is the name of a Japanese trawler that disappeared in 2011 after an earthquake-tsunami. A year later, it appeared intact in the Pacific Ocean after having traveled more than 280 kilometers without crew.


Belisa is a Latin girl name.

From the Latin term “serenus” (serene).


Takumi is a Japanese boy name. Meaning “artisan, skillfull”.


Tamisa is an Hebrew girl name. Meaning “perfection, a palm tree, date fruit”.

Triángulo de las Verduras

El Triángulo de las Verduras is a Spanish business name for fruit shop. Meaning “The Triangle of Vegetables”.

Allusion to the “Bermuda Triangle”, a geographical area where ships, planes and people supposedly disappear. in Spanish “vegetables” (verduras) and “bermuda” sound similar.


Tsimtsum is a Hebrew merchant ship name.

Name of the ship that appears in the movie “Life of Pi”, in which the protagonist begins his journey accompanied by the animals from his zoo. (more…)

Wilhelm Gustloff

The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was a German cruiser that sailed the seas during World War II, leaving an indelible mark on naval history due to its fateful sinking in 1945.



Yaneli is a girl’s name that has no clear origin and meaning. There are several theories about its origin: