Names for all


Tjølling is a Norse Viking boat name.

9th century ship discovered in Norway.

It was used for trade and possibly also in war conflicts.


Tlaloc is a Native american sailboat name. Meaning “Nectar of the earth”.

It derives from the terms in classic Nahuatl “tlālli” (earth) and “octli” (nectar).

Mexican divinity of the rain and the waters.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Tlaneci is a Native american boy name. Meaning “Dawn” in Nahuatl.


Tobi is an hebrew pet name for male dog. Meaning “God is gracious”.

Short Form of Tobiah

Categorized into: biblical names


Tobia is an Italian boy name.

Italian form of Tobiah.


Tobiah is a hebrew boy name. Meaning “God is gracious”.

Categorized into: biblical names


Toby is an hebrew pet name for male dog.

Variant of Tobi


Toconao is a Native american merchant ship name. Meaning “place of stones.”

Name of a town located in the north of Chile.

It derives from the words in Kunza, a language spoken by the Atacameño people, “tocknar” (stone) and “ao” (place).

Name of a container ship flying the Liberian flag that lost part of its cargo in December 2023 in Portuguese waters, causing a “tide” of small white plastic balls on the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula.


Tohil is a Native american boy name.

Ancient Mayan god of the fire, sun and rain.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Tohru is an unisex Japanese name.

Variante of Tooru.