Business names


Malibu is a Maori business name for a beach snack bar.

Name given in New Zealand to a type of edible fish.

Categorized into: animal names.


Maracaibo is a Native american business name for a beach snack bar.

Name of an important Venezuelan city and lake.

The origin of this nomenclature is unknown. The most supported theory points to the fact that the city was named thus by the German explorer Ambrose Alfinger in the sixteenth century, who took the name of the main indigenous chief of the area after defeating him.

Regarding its possible meaning, there are some unconfirmed interpretations that point to an evolution of the expressions “Maara-iwo” (place where snakes abound) or “Maare kaye” (place facing the sea).

Categorized into: place names.


Marathon is a Greek business name for Sportswear shop names.

Athletic competition consisting of running long distances.


Marea is a Spanish business name for fish shop. Meaning “tide“.


Mariachi is a Spanish business name for a Mexican restaurant.

Name of a kind of traditional Mexican music. Also, the musician who plays this genre.

Mariachi is a ideal name for a Mexican restaurant.

Categorized into: musical names


Marina Club

Marina Club is an English business name for a beach snack bar.


El Marinero is a Spanish business name for a restaurant. Meaning “The mariner“.


Marmita is a spanish business name for restaurant. Meaning “pot“.


Matador is a Spanish business name for a restaurant. Meaning “bullfighter”.


Maya is a Native american business name for a Mexican restaurant. Meaning “ancestors” in Nahualt language.

Pre-Columbian civilization that lived in Central America.