Business names


Limone is an Italian business name for fruit shop. Meaning “lemon”.


Lince is a Spanish business name for a security company.

Spanish form of Lynx.


Lingua is a Latin business name for a Translation and interpretation company. Meaning “language”.

Little Dreamers

Little Dreamers is an English business name for a bookstore.

Little Dudes

Little Dudes is an English business name for clothes shop.

Ideal name for children clothing store.

Little Explorers

Sunshine is an English business name for children’s activities company.

Little Italy

Little Italy is an English business name for an Italian restaurant.

Name of a famous neighborhood in New York.

Categorized into: place names.

Little Learners

Little Learners is an English business name for daycare center.

Little ones

Little ones is an English business name for clothes shop.

Ideal name for children’s clothing stores.

Little People

Little People is an English business name for clothes shop.

Ideal name for children clothing store.