Sailboat names

Pinzón brothers

Pinzón brothers is an English sailboat name.

Martín Alonso Pinzón, Vicente Yáñez Pinzón and Francisco Martín Pinzón were three Spanish navigators who accompanied Christopher Columbus in his discovery of America.


Pleiades is a Greek sailboat name.

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, are an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. This group of young, hot stars is one of the most visible to the naked eye in the night sky, captivating humanity for millennia. (more…)


Pléyades is a Spanish sailboat name.

Spanish form of Pleiades.


Polaris is a Latin sailboat name.

Name of the brightest star in the constellation of the Little Bear. It is also known as the Polar Star or the North Star.

It comes from the Latin term “stella polaris“, literally “polar star”


Polizón is a Spanish sailboat name. Meaning “stowaway“.


Polpo is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “octopus“.

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Polypus is an Latin sailboat name. Meaning “octopus“.

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Pontus is a Latin sailboat name. Meaning “immense”.


Porpoise is an English sailboat name.

A small toothed whale with a low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt rounded snout.

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Poseidon is a Greek sailboat name.

God of the seas and earthquakes.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.