Boat names

Salt Lake

Salt Lake is an English sailboat name.


Saltwater is an English sailboat name. Meaning “seawater”.

Sangre Azul

Sangre Azul is a Spanish yacht name. Meaning “blue blood“.

Santa María

Santa María is a Spanish sailboat name.

One of the ships that Christopher Columbus used to reach America in 1492.


Sapphire is an english sailboat name. Meaning “sapphire”.

Categorized into: Gemstones names


Sapphirus is a Latin sailboat name. Meaning “sapphire“.

Categorized into: Gemstones names.


Sarsia is an English vessel name.

It is named after a genus of hydrozoans in the family Corynidae.

Former oceanographic vessel used by the UK Marine Biological Association.



Sauvage is a French warship name. Meaning “wild”.


Savarona is an Turkish yacht name.

It is the name of an African swan.

It is a Turkish presidential yacht that was built in 1931 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Republic of Turkey.

Categorized into: animal names


Savoir is a French sailboat name. Meaning “to know”.