Boat names

Bon Amour

Bon Amour is a french sailboat name. Meaning “good love”.

Bon Vent

Bon Vent is a frenchsailboat name. Meaning “good wind”. (more…)

Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage is a french sailboat name. Meaning “good travel”.


Bonheur is a French sailboat name. Meaning “happyness”.


Boon is an English sailboat name.

Nickname of the pirate woman Anne Bonny.


Boreas is a Greek sailboat name. Greek god of the cold north wind. (more…)


Borgring is a Norse Viking boat name.

10th century ship discovered in Denmark.

It is considered a warship, possibly used by a Viking leader.


Borre is a Norse Viking boat name.

9th century ship with beautiful and careful ornamentation discovered in Norway.

It is believed to have been used in funeral ceremonies.


Bounty is an English sailboat name. Meaning “generosity”.

It was a sailing ship of the British Navy, which in the 18th century suffered one of the most famous mutinys in the history of navigation. This fact was popularized by literature and cinema.

The ship was ordered to travel to Tahiti for a shipment of breadfruit plants. Due to a strong storm it was delayed and had to be in port for several months until the next harvest. During this period the sailors enjoyed a pleasant life and began some relationships with the women of the island. At the time of leaving again, the captain had great problems to restore discipline. Finally, after several days of sailing, the crew revolted.


Brav is a German warship name. Meaning “brave”.