Girl names


Reign is an English girl name. Meaning “empiric, domain”.


Renata is an Italian girl name.

Italian feminine form of Renata.


Renza is an Italian girl name.

Short form of Lorenza.


Resurreción is a Spanish girl name.

Allusion to the Easter of Resurrection of Christ.

Derived from the Latin verb “resurgo” which means “rise, reborn” and refers to the action of returning to life after death.


Rhea is a Latin girl name.

Latinized form of the Greek name Rheia whose meaning is unknown. Some researchers believe that it comes from the verb “rheo” (to flow) or the term “era” (ground).

According to Greek mythology, Rhea was the mother of Zeus.

In addition, in Roman legend appears the figure of Rhea Silvia, the mother of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Rhoda is a Greek girl name.

It derives from the term “rhodon” which means “rose”.

In the New Testament she is a maid who serves in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark.


Richa is a Hindu girl name. Meaning “praise, sacred verse” in Sanscrit.


Riko is a Japanese girl name.

It is formed by the terms “ri” (white jasmine or logic) and “ko” (child).


Rita is a Latin girl name. Meaning “pearl”.

Short form of Margarita.

How to pronounce the name Rita in Spanish?


Riya is a Hindu girl name. Meaning “singer” in Sanskrit.