Results for Éire


Aiza is a Basque girl name.

Medieval name registered in the monastery of Leire in the 12th century.

Female form of Aizo.


Céilidh (also writen  céilí) is an Irish business name for an Irish pub.

This is the name of a celebration with traditional dance from Ireland and Scotland.

Celtic Harp

The Celtic Harp is an English business name for an Irish pub.

It is a triangular harp traditional to Brittany, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and a symbol of the Republic of Ireland.


Cláirseach is an Irish business name for an Irish pub.

Name for the Celtic harp in Ireland.

Categorized into: musical names.


Éire is an Irish business name for an Irish pub. Meaning “Ireland”.


Leire is a basque girl name.

Name of a mountain and a monastery in Navarre (Spain).

Categorized into: Place names


Leprechaun is an English business name for an Irish pub.

According to the Irish mythology they are goblins that inhabit the islands of Ireland since time immemorial.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.

Spanish girl names

Spain, land of contrasts and a rich history, has given rise to a wide variety of women’s names full of beauty, meaning and tradition.

In this article, we invite you to embark on a fascinating journey through the universe of Spanish female names, discovering some of the most popular, classic, original and with a unique charm.
