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50 boat names

Are you looking for a name for your boat? Do you want it to be original, beautiful and reflect your personality or tastes? Choosing a name for your boat is not an easy task, as there are many factors that can influence your decision. That’s why, in this article we are going to show you 50 names for boats and their meaning, so that you can get inspired and find the one you like the most. (more…)


Bodhi, a name that resonates with ancient wisdom and the quest for enlightenment, has become an increasingly popular choice for parents looking for a meaningful and spiritual name for their children.



Boniface, a masculine given name of Latin origin, exudes an aura of kindness and altruism that makes it a popular choice among parents looking for a name with a deep and positive meaning. (more…)


Boreas is a Greek sailboat name. Greek god of the cold north wind. (more…)


Butterfly is an English motorboat name.

Flying insect with two pairs of brightly colored wings.

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Cactus is a Latin business name for a Mexican restaurant. Meaning “cactus, cacto”.

Latin form of the Greek term “kaktos” (leaf with thorns).

Name of a family of prickly plants growing in arid regions.


Colossea is a yacht name of English origin formed by the words “colossus” and “sea“.

Luxurious 204-meter-long megayacht that incorporates a detachable Norge 2.0 airship. (more…)


Costura is a Spanish business name for Clothing repair shop. Meaning “sewing”.


Couture is a French business name for clothes shop. Meaning “sewing”.


Dragon-fly is an English motorboat name.

Insect with a long body, very large eyes and two pairs of reticulate wings.

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