Results for Whale


Balena is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “whale“.

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Capodoglio is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “sperm whale“.

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Eight maritime animal names for sailboats

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Leviathan is a Hebrew sailboat name.

Sea monster, a mixture of whale and serpent, which appears in the Old Testament.

It was created by God and represents evil.

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Moby Duck

Moby Duck is an English pet name for a duck.

Funny variant of the popular whale name Moby Dick.


Nāhvalr is a Norse sailboat name. Meaning “narwhal“.

It derives from the Old Norse word “nāhvalr“, made up of the terms “nār” (corpse) and “hvalr” (whale). It literally means “whale carcass”.

It is believed to refer to the narwhal’s ability to float belly up as if dead and the mottled color of its skin that resembles the skin of a dead sailor.

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Porpoise is an English sailboat name.

A small toothed whale with a low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt rounded snout.

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Squirt is an unisex English pet name for a whale.

Alluding to the column of humid air that these cetaceans expel through their nostrils when they emerge to breathe.



Whale is an English sailboat name. Meaning “baleen, cetacean”.

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