Results for Village


Ainhoa is a basque girl name.

Name of a village.

Categorized into: Place names


Balfour is an English boy name.

It comes from a Scottish surname which derives from the Gaelic words “baile” (village) and “pòr” (crops).


Chambord is a French pet name for male dog.

Name of a village in the Loire Valley (France). It is famous for its great castle.

Categorized into: place names.


Darrel is an English boy name. Meaning “from Airelle (name of a French village)”.

Derived form French surname “d’Airelle“.



Ekai is a Basque boy name.

Name of a two villages located in Navarre.

Categorized into: Place names


Magdalena is a Spanish girl name. Meaning “from Magdala (village)”.

Spanish form of Magdalene.


Magdalene is a Hebrew girl name. Meaning “from Magdala (village)”.

She was a distinguished follower of Jesus in The Old Testament.

Categorized into: biblical names


Oneida is a Native american girl name.

Name of an American tribe that settled in the lands of the current New York (USA).

This name derives from the term “O-nyo-ta -‘- a: -ka“. It means “people of the erect stone”, in reference to a granite rock that was near one of its villages.


Sayori is a Japanese girl name.

Combination of the Japanese terms “sa” (small), “yo” (night) and “ri” (village).

Spanish virgin names for girls

In this blog we have already seen how the Bible is a recurring source when looking for baby names, but apart from this sacred book, there are other religious customs and rites that also serve as inspiration when choosing a baby’s name. One of the most common is the use of names of virgins and Marian apparitions as girls’ names. (more…)