Results for Vega


Belisa is a Latin girl name. Meaning “slim”.

Name invented by the Spanish author Felix Lope de Vega in his play “Las bizarrías de Belisa” (“The bizarreness of Belisa”).

This name is the anagram of Isabel.

Spanish girl names

Spain, land of contrasts and a rich history, has given rise to a wide variety of women’s names full of beauty, meaning and tradition.

In this article, we invite you to embark on a fascinating journey through the universe of Spanish female names, discovering some of the most popular, classic, original and with a unique charm.



Vega is a spanish girl name. Meaning “river”.


Las Vegas is an American business name for pub.

Name of the largest city in the US state of Nevada. It is known for its casinos.

Categorized into: place names.