Results for Valle


Chambord is a French pet name for male dog.

Name of a village in the Loire Valley (France). It is famous for its great castle.

Categorized into: place names.


Dainzú is a Native american boy name.

Name of an area located in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca (Mexico). This name comes from the Zapotec word “Dannizhú” (hill of the organs).


Dale is an english boy name. Meaning “valley”.


Dalton is an English boy name.

It comes from the homonymous surname that literally means “town of the valley” in Old English.


Glen is a Scottish boy name. Meaning “valley”.

Variant of Glenn.


Glenn is a Scottish boy name. Meaning “valley”.


Holden is an English boy name.

From a surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning “deep valley” in Old English.


Although the name Kaleth has become popular in recent years, especially in Colombia, the truth is that it is not a name with a unique and defined origin. In this article we explain what its most probable origin is.



Kendall is an unisex English name.

It derives from a surname which comes from “Kendale“. It is the name of the city in northwest England and its meaning is “valley on the river Kent”.


Sidim is a Hebrew pet name for male dog.

Name of the valley that separated Sodom and Gomorrah.

Categorized into: biblical names