Results for Sharp


Claw is an English pet name for male tiger.

Hand or foot of the animal armed with strong, sharp, curved claws.

Eight maritime animal names for sailboats

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Fang is an English pet name for male tiger.

Allusion to the sharp incisor teeth of these felines.


Min is a Korean boy name. Meaning “quick, clever, sharp”.

Names for turtles

Turtles, whether terrestrial or aquatic, are fascinating creatures. Their longevity, leisurely pace and unique appearance make them special pets. Below you will find a selection of names to help you find the right one for your shelled pet. Remember that you can click on each name to learn more about its origin and meaning. (more…)


Scylla is a Greek sailboat name.

According to Greek mythology it is a sea monster that was previously a beautiful nymph daughter of Forcis and Keto.

There are several descriptions about this monster. Some consider that it was a creature with torso of woman and fish tail of whose waist they left six dogs of two legs each. For others, it was a being with six necks and six heads with sharp teeth. There is also another version that mixes elements of both.

Scylla crossed the Straits of Messina (separation between Italy and Sicily) along with Charybdis, another sea monster, which forced the boats to approach and face one or the other being to cross the pass.

Subsequently, Scylla was converted by the gods into a dangerous rock, which still exists today, and complicates the passage of ships.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Sharp is an English sailboat name.

A kind of carnivorous marine fish.

Categorized into: animal names.