Results for Raven


Beila is a girl name. It has two possible origins and meanings:


Bertram is a german boy name. Meaning “glorious raven”.

Eight English names for Irish taverns

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The Raven is an English business name for an Irish pub.

Categorized into: animal names.


Skogul is a Norse Viking boat name.

It is one of the vessels used by the main characters of the Canadian-Irish series Vikings, which follows the exploits of the legendary Viking chief Ragnar Lodbrok and his family.

Eskogul is one of the valkyries that formed the personal guard of the Viking kings and her name means “agitator” or “very tall.”

According to an ancient Viking poem, Hákonarmál, Skogul and Göndul were sent by Odin to choose warriors who would die in battle and join him in Valhalla.

In other writings, the word “skogul” is used as a poetic metaphor to refer to the battle, the shield, the raven or the sword.


Wolfram is a German boy name.

Derived from the Germanic elements “wulf” (wolf) and “hramn” (raven).