Results for Rêve

50 boat names

Are you looking for a name for your boat? Do you want it to be original, beautiful and reflect your personality or tastes? Choosing a name for your boat is not an easy task, as there are many factors that can influence your decision. That’s why, in this article we are going to show you 50 names for boats and their meaning, so that you can get inspired and find the one you like the most. (more…)

A Look at the Most Famous Pirate Vessel Names, Both Real and Fictional!

Ahoy, mateys! Join us on a thrilling voyage as we explore the captivating world of pirate vessels, from the notorious seas of reality to the fantastical realms of fiction. From the daring exploits of real-life pirates to the swashbuckling adventures penned by literary giants, the names of these vessels have etched themselves into the annals of maritime lore. Get ready to raise the Jolly Roger as we uncover the most famous names in pirate ship history! (more…)


Akane (あかね) is a female name of Japanese origin that makes you fall in love with its sound and deep meaning. The writing of it in kanji (茜) reveals two roots: “aka” (red) and “ne” (root), evoking the image of a red flower sprouting from the earth. (more…)

Alexa: A name in danger of extinction?

Remember when Alexa was a popular name for girls? Just a few years ago, it was among the favorites of many parents. However, the popularity of this name has seen a significant drop in recent years. What is this about?



In the beautiful world of Mexico’s indigenous languages, we find fascinating names that encapsulate the wisdom and worldview of ancient cultures. One of these names is Aquetzalli, a Nahuatl word that resonates with mysticism and beauty. Join us on this journey to discover the meaning of Aquetzalli, exploring its etymological roots and its deep symbolism. (more…)


Aritz stands as a symbol of strength, nobility and a deep connection with nature. If you are looking for a name for your son that reflects his adventurous spirit, his upright character and his roots in the Basque land, Aritz could be the perfect choice.



Asunta is a female name of Latin origin, which unfortunately became popular in Spain after the “Asunta Balaguer” case. It is a variation of the name Asunción used especially in Galicia. Keep reading to find out more! (more…)

Biblical names ending in “IAH”

In a previous article on this blog, we explored the meaning of the ending “el” in biblical names, revealing their deep connection with divinity. Today, we embark on a new journey to discover the meaning and essence of another biblical ending: iah.



The name “Blackjack” evokes images of excitement and a touch of danger – a fitting name for a magnificent bull. But beyond its connection to the classic card game, there are several reasons why “Blackjack” might be the perfect moniker for your prized bovine.
