Results for Prince


Amir is an Arabic boy name. Meaning “prince”.


Amira is an Arabic girl name. Meaning “princess”.


Amiri is an arabic boy name. Meaning “prince”.

Variant of Amir


Armel is a French boy name.

French variant of the Welsh name Arthmail, formed by “arth” (bear) and “mael” (prince, chieftain).

Armel was a 6th-century Welsh saint who founded several abbeys in Brittany.


Besay is a Canarian boy name.

Name of a former prince of the Canary Islands.


Boreas is a Greek sailboat name. Greek god of the cold north wind. (more…)


Cassandra is a Greek girl name.

It comes from the Ancient name Kassandra, derived from possibly the terms “kekasmai” (to excel, to shine) and “aner” (man´s).

Kassandra was a Trojan princess.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Dhruva is a Hindu sailboat name.

According to Indian mythology he was a child-prince devout of Vishnu. This God granted him the blessing of becoming the Polar Star.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Donaji is a Native american girl name. Meaning “big soul”.

Name of a Zapotec princess.

Eight Mapuche names for babies

The Mapuche are an indigenous people living in southern Chile and Argentina. Their culture and language, Mapudungun, have a rich history and a deep connection to nature. Mapuche names reflect this worldview and often have meanings related to the sun, moon, stars, animals, plants or virtues. Here are eight Mapuche names for boys and girls, along with their meaning, pronunciation and some interesting facts. (more…)