Results for Polaris


Dhruva is a Hindu sailboat name.

According to Indian mythology he was a child-prince devout of Vishnu. This God granted him the blessing of becoming the Polar Star.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.

Eight stars names for sailboats

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Grahadhara is a Hindu sailboat name.

It literally means “the support of the planets” and embodied Dhruva.

Name of the Polar Star (Polaris) in Ancient India.


Kynosoura is a Greek sailboat name.

Name of the Polar Star (Polaris) in Ancient Greece.


Polaris is a Latin sailboat name.

Name of the brightest star in the constellation of the Little Bear. It is also known as the Polar Star or the North Star.

It comes from the Latin term “stella polaris“, literally “polar star”