Results for Olaf


Hildisvíni is a Norse Viking boat name.

Boat owned by Gudrún Ósvifrsdóttir, a heroine of the Icelandic saga Laxdæla. She was the wife of four men, including Kjartan Ólafsson and Bolli Þorleiksson, who fought for her love.

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Olaf is a Norse boy name. Meaning “ancestor’s descendant”.

It derived from the old Viking name Áleifr. It is forming by the terms “anu” (ancestor) and “leifr” (descendant).


Olav is a Norse boy name.

Variant of Olaf.

Ormen Skamme

Ormen Skamme is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “short snake”.

Name of one of the ships of King Olaf I of Norway.

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Ormurinn Langi

Ormurinn Langi is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “long snake”.

Name of the ship of Olaf I of Norway, king who lived in the tenth century.

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Tranen (or Trana) is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “crane”.

Name of one of the ships of King Olaf I of Norway.

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