Results for Notus


Anemoi is a Greek sailboat name.

Name given to the four Greek wind gods: Boreas (north), Notus (south), Euro (east) and Zephyrus (west).

Categorized into Mythologic names


Noto is a Spanish sailboat name.

Spanish form of Notus, Greek god of the south wind.

Categorized into Mythologic names


Notus  is a Greek sailboat name.

Greek god of the south wind.

Categorized into Mythologic names

Sailboat names

Sailboats are boats that move thanks to the force of the wind on their sails. Choosing a good name for a sailboat is an important decision, as it reflects the owner’s personality, style, and preferences. Additionally, a suitable name can attract the attention, admiration and envy of other boaters. (more…)