Results for Noa

50 boat names

Are you looking for a name for your boat? Do you want it to be original, beautiful and reflect your personality or tastes? Choosing a name for your boat is not an easy task, as there are many factors that can influence your decision. That’s why, in this article we are going to show you 50 names for boats and their meaning, so that you can get inspired and find the one you like the most. (more…)

Biblical names for boys

Biblical names have endured through the centuries, passing on tradition, meaning and symbolism. If you are looking for a solid, storied name for your child, exploring biblical names can be an excellent choice. In this article, you’ll dive into a hand-picked list of biblical names for boys, with their meanings and origins, to help you choose the perfect name for your little one. (more…)


Chenoa is a Native american girl name. Meaning “dove” in Sioux language.

Categorized into: animal names

Eight Biblical names for babies


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Eight short (one syllable) names for dogs

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Japheth is a Hebrew boy name. Meaning “enlarged”.

In the Old Testament he is a son of Noah.

Categorized into: biblical names

Most common names in the world (2016)

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Most common women names in the world (2016)

Most common men names in the world (2016)


Nimrod is a Hebrew boy name whose meaning is unknown, although it is believed that it possibly means “rebellious” in ancient Hebrew.

In the Old Testament he was as a renowned hunter, great-grandson of Noah and founder of Babylon.

Categorized into: biblical names