Results for Narwhal

Eight maritime animal names for sailboats

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Nāhvalr is a Norse sailboat name. Meaning “narwhal“.

It derives from the Old Norse word “nāhvalr“, made up of the terms “nār” (corpse) and “hvalr” (whale). It literally means “whale carcass”.

It is believed to refer to the narwhal’s ability to float belly up as if dead and the mottled color of its skin that resembles the skin of a dead sailor.

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Narwhal is an English sailboat name.

Marine mammal with a horn.

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Tuugaalik is an Inuit fishing boat name. Meaning “narwhal” in the Eskimo language.

Fishing vessel built at the Murueta Shipyards (Spain).

Ship destined for the fishing, processing and freezing of prawns in Greenland.

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