Results for Nair

10 yachts names owned by celebrities and millionaires


Dilbar is a Hindu boy name. Meaning “lovely, sweetheart” in Urdu.

Also it is a yacht name owned by the Russian millionaire, Alisher Usmanov.



Eclipse is a Latin yacht name.

From the Latin word “eclipsis” and this comes from the Greek term “ékleipsis” (disappearance).

Natural phenomenon by which a star is hidden by the interposition of a celestial body.

It is a ship owned by the Russian millionaire Roman Abramovich.


The Koru yacht, owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, is a colossal vessel that has not stopped generating a stir since its launch in 2023. With an estimated price of $500 million, the Koru is one of the largest yachts and luxury in the world, and has been criticized for its ostentation and its environmental impact. (more…)


Nair is a Portuguese girl name.

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Naira is a Native american girl name. Meaning “big eyes” in Quechua and Aymara.