Results for Nadia

Eight Arabic names for babies


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Eight baby names inspired by athletes of the Olympic Games


Clic to know the meaning of any name!

Moroccan baby names

Choosing a baby’s name is an important decision in any culture, but in Morocco, it has an even deeper meaning. Moroccan names often have religious, cultural or historical meaning, and reflect the family’s identity and values.

In this article, we will guide you through the fascinating world of Moroccan names. We will provide you with information about the different types of names, current trends and traditions surrounding choosing a name in Morocco. (more…)


Nadia is an Arabic girl name. Meaning “delicate”.


Nadine is a French girl name.

French variant Nadia.


Nanuk is an unisex Native american name. Meaning “polar bear”. (more…)


Skogul is a Norse Viking boat name.

It is one of the vessels used by the main characters of the Canadian-Irish series Vikings, which follows the exploits of the legendary Viking chief Ragnar Lodbrok and his family.

Eskogul is one of the valkyries that formed the personal guard of the Viking kings and her name means “agitator” or “very tall.”

According to an ancient Viking poem, Hákonarmál, Skogul and Göndul were sent by Odin to choose warriors who would die in battle and join him in Valhalla.

In other writings, the word “skogul” is used as a poetic metaphor to refer to the battle, the shield, the raven or the sword.


Trasto is a Spanish pet name for male dog. Meaning “naughty”.

Title adapted to Spanish from the Canadian animated film “Trouble“.


Trouble is an English pet name for male dog.

Name of the protagonist of the Canadian animated film of the same name published in 2019.


Winnipeg is a French transatlantic name.

Name of a Canadian city.

It is estimated that its name is a transcription of a word in the Cree language (language of the native indigenous people of the region) that means “muddy waters”.