Results for Moses


Aaron is a Hebrew boy name. Meaning “high mountain” or “exalted”.

In the Old Testament he was the older brother of Moses.

Categorized into: biblical names

Biblical names for boys

Biblical names have endured through the centuries, passing on tradition, meaning and symbolism. If you are looking for a solid, storied name for your child, exploring biblical names can be an excellent choice. In this article, you’ll dive into a hand-picked list of biblical names for boys, with their meanings and origins, to help you choose the perfect name for your little one. (more…)


Gerson is a Hebrew boy name. Meaning “the pilgrim who comes from outside“.

In the Old Testament he was the eldest son of Moses.

Categorized into: biblical names


Moisés is a Spanish boy name.

Spanish form of Moses.


Moses is a hebrew boy name. Meaning “son” or “deliver”.

In the Old Testament Moses led the Jews out of captivity in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God.

Categorized into: biblical names


Nebo is a Hebrew pet name for male dog.

Mount from which God showed Moses the promised land.

Categorized into: biblical names


Zipporah is a Hebrew girl name.

It comes from the word “tzippor” (bird).

She was a wife of Moses in the Old Testament.

Categorized into: biblical names