Results for Moon

100 Names for Dogs: Find the Perfect Name for Your Furry Companion

Are you looking for a name for your new four-legged friend? Do you want it to be original, fun and reflect your personality? Then you are in the right place. In this article we are going to give you 100 ideas for names for dogs, classified by different criteria. This way you can find the one that best suits your pet. Keep reading and discover our list! (more…)

50 boat names

Are you looking for a name for your boat? Do you want it to be original, beautiful and reflect your personality or tastes? Choosing a name for your boat is not an easy task, as there are many factors that can influence your decision. That’s why, in this article we are going to show you 50 names for boats and their meaning, so that you can get inspired and find the one you like the most. (more…)


Badar is an Arabic boy name. Meaning “full moon”.

Blue Moon

Blue Moon is an English sailboat name.


Chandra is a Hindu business name for clothes shop. Meaning “moon”.


Diana is a Latin girl name. Meaning “heavenly, divine”.

Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, forests and childbirth.

Categorized into: mythologic names

How to pronounce the name Diana in English?

Eight English names for dogs


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Eight Mapuche names for babies

The Mapuche are an indigenous people living in southern Chile and Argentina. Their culture and language, Mapudungun, have a rich history and a deep connection to nature. Mapuche names reflect this worldview and often have meanings related to the sun, moon, stars, animals, plants or virtues. Here are eight Mapuche names for boys and girls, along with their meaning, pronunciation and some interesting facts. (more…)

Eight names for rottweiler dogs

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Female Rottweiler Dog Names

Male Rottweiler Dog Names


Halbmond is a german business name for restaurant. Meaning “half moon”.