Results for Monster


Capricorn is a Greek sailboat name.

Name of the tenth sign of the zodiac and of a constellation. It is represented by a sea monster hybrid between goat and fish. It symbolizes wisdom and waters.

In Greek mythology it refers to the Amaltea goat, raised by Zeus in Crete to hide from his father Cronus, who devoured his children.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Charybdis is a Greek sailboat name. Meaning “suction”.

It derives from the Greek word “Járibdis” of equal meaning.

According to Greek Mythology Charybdis was a sea monster. Previously, she was one of the daughters of Poseidon and Gea.

For three times a day, this creature swallowed enormous amounts of water and vomited them, thus creating a huge swirl that engulfed everything within reach.

Charybdis crossed the Strait of Messina (separation between Italy and Sicily) with Scylla, another sea monster. This situation forced the boats to approach and face one or another being to pass.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Chimera is a Greek sailboat name.

This word has several meanings. We present the two most common and one related to a marine animal. (more…)

Eight sea monsters names for sailboats

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Godzilla is a Japanese pet name for male iguana.

Fictional Japanese monster who has starred in numerous films.

Categorized into: Fictional characters names.


Guajalote is a Native american business name for a Mexican restaurant. Meaning “turkey” in Nahuatl.

From the terms “huey, hueyi” (large, old) and “xolotl” (monster).

Categorized into: animal names.


Hydra is a Greek sailboat name.

Maritime monster with seven heads.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Jörmundgander is a Norse sailboat name.

Also called the “Midgard Serpent”, it is a gigantic monster son of the god Loki and the giant Angrboda.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Leviathan is a Hebrew sailboat name.

Sea monster, a mixture of whale and serpent, which appears in the Old Testament.

It was created by God and represents evil.

Categorized into: biblical names


Monster is an unisex english pet name for turtle. Meaning “monstrous creature”.