Results for Melody


Aarav is a Hindu boy name. Meaning “peaceful melody, calm noise” in Sanskrit.


In the universe of names, Adilene presents itself as an elegant melody and an inspiring meaning. In this article, we will embark on a journey to discover the secrets hidden in this very special name. (more…)


Aria is an English girl name.

From the same Italian word that means “song, melody” (literally means “air”).


Melody is an unisex english pet name for bird. Meaning “melody, singing”.

Categorized into: musical names

What is the meaning of the name Rita?

Today, our exploration takes us into the captivating world of names, and our spotlight is on the delightful Rita. Unraveling its layers reveals a connection to the Greek-rooted “margarites,” meaning “pearl,” and its Spanish incarnation as the charming daisy. Join me as we delve into the intricate tapestry of variations and diminutives that make this name truly blossom. (more…)


Have you been captivated by the name Xareni because of its sound and beauty? We don’t blame you. Behind this name lies a fascinating story and a deep meaning that make it a unique choice for your baby.