Results for Mamá

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Mamá is an Spanish business name for clothes shop. Meaning “mom”.

Ideal name for maternity clothing store.


Mamacita is a Spanish business name for a Mexican restaurant. Meaning “mommy”.


Pachamama is a Native american business name for a vegetarian restaurant. Meaning “Mother Earth” in Aymara and Quechua language.

Derived from the terms “pacha” (Earth, Universe) and “mama” (mother).

Incan Earth goddess.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Umaima is an Arabic girl name.

Variant of Umama.


Umama is an Arabic girl name. Meaning “little mother”.

Diminutive form of the word “umm” (mother).

She was a granddaughter of the Prophet Muhammad.


Yacumama is a Native American sailboat name.

It means “mother of water” in the Tucuman language. It derives from the words “yacu” (water) and “mama” (mother).

In the mythology of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador and Peru, it is a huge snake that inhabits the mouth of the Amazon River and its lagoons. It is a spirit that protects the natural sources of water.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.