Results for Lively


Brioso is a Spanish pet name for male reindeer. Meaning “lively”.

Name by which Dasher (Santa’s reindeer) is also known in Spanish-speaking countries.

Eight Spanish names for dogs

Are you looking for a name in Spanish for your dog? We propose eight great ideas, four masculine and four feminine that you will surely love. (more…)

Italian pizza restaurant Names

Pizza is one of the most famous and appreciated dishes in the world, and its origin dates back to Italian cuisine. For this reason, many people who want to open a pizzeria choose to choose an Italian name that reflects the essence, tradition and flavor of this delicious food. (more…)


Lively is an English sailboat name. Meaning “full of life and energy”.


Sparky is an english pet name for male dog. Meaning “sparky, lively”.

Name popularized by the animated film “Frankenweenie”, created by Tim Burton.

Categorized into: fictional characters names