Results for Ken


Avalon is an English girl name.

Paradise island where King Arthur was taken after his death.

This name may derive from the Welsh word “afal” meaning “apple”.

In ancient times this fruit was related to paradise.


Azkena is a basque business name for pub. Meaning “last one”.

Baby names for boys and girls

Choosing your baby’s name is one of the most important decisions you will have to make as a parent. The name you give your child will accompany him or her throughout life and will form part of his or her identity. For this reason, it is not a task to be taken lightly, but one that requires time, reflection and consensus.

To help you choose the best name for your baby, here are some tips you can take into account:


If you are looking for a name for your baby that emanates grace, inner strength and a touch of mysticism, Bidemi could be the perfect choice. Furthermore, it is a name that is suitable for both a boy and a girl.



Bodhi, a name that resonates with ancient wisdom and the quest for enlightenment, has become an increasingly popular choice for parents looking for a meaningful and spiritual name for their children.


Bon Appétit

In the culinary world, choosing a name for a restaurant is a crucial decision, since it not only identifies the establishment, but also evokes sensations and expectations in diners.



Coquette is a French business name for clothes shop. Meaning “flirty“. (more…)


Egbert is an English boy name. Meaning “brilliant (sword) edge”.

It comes from the Old English words “ecg” (edge ​​of a sword) and “beorht” (shiny).

This was the name of the kings of Kent and Wessex as well as two English saints.

Eight English names for Irish taverns

Clic to know the meaning of any name!

Eight French names for boutiques and clothing shops

In the world of fashion, the name of your boutique is as important as the clothes you sell. A well-chosen name can be the difference between success and failure. In this article we propose some ideas that will surely inspire you to find the best name for your business. (more…)