Results for Kara

Eight original names for boats

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Eight sea monsters names for sailboats

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Kara is a basque pet name for female dog. Meaning “good aspect”.


Karam or Karan is an unisex English name. Meaning “generosity, nobleness”.


Makara is a Hindu sailboat name.

According to Hindu mythology is the “vajana” or saddle of the sea god Varuma.

With respect to its iconography, sometimes it is represented as a crocodile, shark or dolphin and at other times as a creature with head and feet of antelope and tortoise shell.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Sharkara is a Hindu business name for Bakery. Meaning “sugar” in Sanskrit.


Takara is an unisex Japanese name. Meaning “treasure, jewel”.


Takarabune is a Japanese sailboat name. Meaning “treasure ship”.

In Japan there is a tradition very similar to that of Santa Claus or the Magi. There are Seven Gods of Fortune who use this ship during the first three days of the New Year to distribute gifts and good luck among humans.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.