Results for Izar


Bakartxo is a Basque girl name. It is one of the affectionate diminutives of Bakarne, the Basque form of the name Soledad. Both Bakartxo and Bakarne derive from the Basque word “bakar“, which means “alone, solitary”. (more…)


Belisa is a Latin girl name. Meaning “slim”.

Name invented by the Spanish author Felix Lope de Vega in his play “Las bizarrías de Belisa” (“The bizarreness of Belisa”).

This name is the anagram of Isabel.


Chameleon is an English pet name for male iguana.

A species of lizard known for its ability to change color, its bulging eyes, and its long, sticky tongues.

Eight Basque names for babies


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Eight original names for boats

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Eight stars names for sailboats

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Gecko is an English business name for a beach snack bar.

Night climber lizard that lives in places of warm climate.

Categorized into: animal names.


Iza is a Spanish business name for construction, reforms and rehabilitations company.

From the verb “izar” (to erect, lift, build).


Izar is an Arabic sailboat name. Meaning “veil”.

Name of the second brightest star in the constellation of Bootes.


Izaro is a Basque girl name.

Name of an island in Biscay.

Categorized into: place names