Results for Ilea


Cailean is a Scottish boy name.

Scottish form of Columba.


Caleuche is a Native american Galleon name. Meaning: “transformed people.”

It derives from the Mapuche words “kalewtun” (transform, exchange) and “che” (people). (more…)


Colin is an English boy name. It has two origins and meanings:

Eight Mapuche names for babies

The Mapuche are an indigenous people living in southern Chile and Argentina. Their culture and language, Mapudungun, have a rich history and a deep connection to nature. Mapuche names reflect this worldview and often have meanings related to the sun, moon, stars, animals, plants or virtues. Here are eight Mapuche names for boys and girls, along with their meaning, pronunciation and some interesting facts. (more…)


Galilea is a Hebrew girl name. Meaning “Galilee”.

It is a region in the northern Israel.

Acordind to the Bible, here was the transfiguration of Jesus.


Ilea is a Basque business name for a hair salon. Meaning “hair”.


Kellier is an Irish boy name.

It comes from the Gaelic surname O’Ceileachair, which evolved to Kelliher by British influence.

This last name has a multitude of variants, for example O’Kelleheror Kelleher.

Its meaning is “dear companion.”