Results for Hodor

Eight Olympic mascots names for pets


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Hodor is a unkwon origin pet name for male hippopotamus.

Name of a secondary character of the TV serie “The Game of Thrones”.

This has been the chosen name for a hippopotamus born at Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire (UK).

Categorized into: Fictional characters names


Hodori is a Chinese pet name for male tiger. Meaning “little tiger”.

Name of the official mascot of the Seoul Olympics 88 .

Names for tigers: original and nice ideas for your cat

Tigers are majestic, powerful and elegant animals that arouse the admiration of many people. If you are lucky enough to have a tiger as a pet, or you simply like these felines, you will surely want to find a name that reflects their personality and beauty. In this article, we offer you a selection of names for tigers of different types and categories, so you can choose the one that you like or inspires you the most. (more…)