Results for Hae


Arline is an unknown origin girl name.

Name of one of the main characters in the opera “The Bohemian Girl” (1843) composed by Michael William Balfe.

Biblical names for boys

Biblical names have endured through the centuries, passing on tradition, meaning and symbolism. If you are looking for a solid, storied name for your child, exploring biblical names can be an excellent choice. In this article, you’ll dive into a hand-picked list of biblical names for boys, with their meanings and origins, to help you choose the perfect name for your little one. (more…)

Eight baby names inspired by athletes of the Olympic Games


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Eunhae or Eunae is a Korean girl name. Meaning “silvery ocean”.

It comes from the terms “eun” (silver) and “hae” (ocean).

Name of a Korean Buddhist temple.

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan is an English sailboat name.

He was a Portuguese navigator who discovered the navigable natural channel that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and which today is called the Strait of Magellan.

He is also known as Fernando de Magallanes o Hernando de Magallanes (Spanish) and Fernão de Magalhães (Portuguese).


Hae is a Korean girl name. Meaning “ocean”.


Ikal is a Native american boy name. Meaning “soul or spirit” in Mayan.

Name of Mayan spirit

It derives from the Mayan word “ik” (soul) which is used to refer to both the vital breath of living beings and the wind.

According to Mayan beliefs, Ikal was a nature spirit, who could communicate with humans through rituals, offerings and sacrifices.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.



Michael is an english boy name. Meaning “who is like God?”.

English form of Hebrew name Mikha’el.

Michael is one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition.


Michel is a French boy name. Meaning “who is like God?”.

French form of Michael.


Michela is an Italian girl name.

Italian feminine form of Michael.