Results for Fly

50 boat names

Are you looking for a name for your boat? Do you want it to be original, beautiful and reflect your personality or tastes? Choosing a name for your boat is not an easy task, as there are many factors that can influence your decision. That’s why, in this article we are going to show you 50 names for boats and their meaning, so that you can get inspired and find the one you like the most. (more…)


Butterfly is an English motorboat name.

Flying insect with two pairs of brightly colored wings.

Categorized into: animal names

Discover the Names of Santa Claus’s Reindeer: A Complete Guide

When it comes to the holiday season, we all know the magical tale of Santa Claus and his faithful helpers: the reindeer. But have you ever wondered what the names of these magical reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh through the skies are? In this article, we’ll take you on a delightful journey to uncover the names of Santa Claus’s reindeer. Get ready to dive into holiday tradition as we reveal the secrets behind these furry companions of Santa.



Dragon-fly is an English motorboat name.

Insect with a long body, very large eyes and two pairs of reticulate wings.

Categorized into: animal names

Eight famous ghost ships names

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Fly is an unisex english pet name for bird. Meaning “to fly”.

Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is an English sailboat name. This ship is also known as “De Vliegende Hollander” (in Dutch), “El Holandés Errante” o “El holandés volador” (in Spanish).

This is a well known ghost ship all over the world. According to legend, its captain Willem van der Decken made a pact with the Devil to sail safely against any maritime or climatological adversity. However, God knew it and condemned him to wander the seas forever.


The sea, with its immensity and mystery, has inspired countless cultures throughout history. Today, we will navigate the meaning of the Basque word “itsasoa”, exploring its suitability as a name for your boat or boat.



Libélula is a Spanish motorboat name. Meaning “dragon-fly“.

Categorized into: animal names.


Mariposa is an Spanish sailboat name. Meaning “butterfly”.

Categorized into: animal names.