Results for Edward

A Look at the Most Famous Pirate Vessel Names, Both Real and Fictional!

Ahoy, mateys! Join us on a thrilling voyage as we explore the captivating world of pirate vessels, from the notorious seas of reality to the fantastical realms of fiction. From the daring exploits of real-life pirates to the swashbuckling adventures penned by literary giants, the names of these vessels have etched themselves into the annals of maritime lore. Get ready to raise the Jolly Roger as we uncover the most famous names in pirate ship history! (more…)


Blackbeard is an English sailboat name.

Nickname of the famous English pirate Edward Teach.


Eddy is an English boy name.

Pet form of Edward and Edmund.


Edoardo is an Italian boy name.

Italian form of Edward.


Eduardo is a Spanish boy name. Meaning “wealth guardian”.

Spanish form of Edward


Edward is an English boy name. Meaning “wealth guardian”.

Name formed by the old english words “ead(wealth) and “ward” (guardian).

Eight famous pirates names for boats

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Jackdaw is an English pirate ship name.

Ship that appears in the video game Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, set in the golden age of piracy.

This name refers to a type of crow, which is intelligent and cunning.

It is a ship used by captain and assassin Edward Kenway to explore the Caribbean, fight other ships and carry out missions.

Categorized into: animal names.

Queen Anne’s Revenge

Queen Anne’s Revenge is an English pirate ship name.

This boat was captained by Edward Teach, he also was known as “Blackbeard”.

It was one of the most famous and feared pirate ships of all time.

Rose Pink

Rose Pink is an English pirate ship name.

This boat was captained by Edward Low.

He was one of the most bloodthirsty pirates of all time. He tortured their prisoners and burned their boats.