Results for Eder


Arrivederci is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “goodbye”.


Dareck is a German boy name. Meaning: “ruler of the people or powerful leader.”

Modern variant of the name Derek, which in turn derives from the Low German “Diederik“. This name was common in the Middle Ages and was used mainly among the nobility. (more…)


DF is a Spanish business name for a Mexican restaurant.

Short for “Federal District”. Sobriquet for Mexico DF.

Categorized into: place names.


Eder is a basque boy name. Meaning “beautiful”.

Male form of Eider


Eider is a basque girl name. Meaning “beautiful”.

Female form of Eder


Federigo is an Italian boy name.

Italian form of Frederick.


Fred is a german boy name. Meaning “peaceful ruler”.

Short form of Frederick


Frederick is a german boy name. Meaning “peaceful ruler”.


Fredie is a german boy name. Meaning “peaceful ruler”.

Pet form of Frederick

Italian pizza restaurant Names

Pizza is one of the most famous and appreciated dishes in the world, and its origin dates back to Italian cuisine. For this reason, many people who want to open a pizzeria choose to choose an Italian name that reflects the essence, tradition and flavor of this delicious food. (more…)