Results for Cotton

100 Names for Dogs: Find the Perfect Name for Your Furry Companion

Are you looking for a name for your new four-legged friend? Do you want it to be original, fun and reflect your personality? Then you are in the right place. In this article we are going to give you 100 ideas for names for dogs, classified by different criteria. This way you can find the one that best suits your pet. Keep reading and discover our list! (more…)


Cotton is an English business name for pub.

It is a famous jazz club in Harlem (New York). It was popularized by the movie “The Cotton Club” directed by Francis Ford Coppola.


Plush is an English pet name for male bear. Meaning “silk or cotton fabric”.


Velvet is an English girl name. Meaning “a kind of woven fabric of silk, cotton or nylon”.