Results for Christopher


Christopher is an english boy name. Meaning “christ-bearer”.

English form of the greek name “Christóforos“.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is an English sailboat name.

Genoese navigator who discovered America in 1492.

Christophorus Columbus

Christophorus Columbus is a Latin sailboat name.

Latin form of Christopher Columbus.

Cristobal Colón

Cristobal Colón is a Spanish sailboat name.

Spanish form of Christopher Columbus.

Cristoforo Colombo

Cristoforo Colombo is an Italian sailboat name.

Italian form of Christopher Columbus.

Eight famous captains names for boats

Let’s set sail together on a journey through maritime history, learning the story of some of the most intrepid captains who braved the waves and left their mark on nautical annals. (more…)

Golden Hind

The Golden Hind is a English Galleon name.

It was a very popular English boat captained by the corsair Sir Francis Drake. This ship managed to go around the world in the 16th century.

Its original name was “The Pelican” but was renamed in honor of the skipper of the ship, Sir Christopher Hatton, who had as coat of arms a golden doe.

Categorized into: animal names.



Leifsbúðir is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “Leif’s Cabins”.

Ship belonging to Leif Erikson, considered the first European to reach America, about 500 years before Christopher Columbus. He was the son of Erik the Red, the founder of the Viking colony in Greenland.


Miña is a Spanish sailboat name.

One of the ships that Christopher Columbus used to reach America in 1492.


La Pinta is a Spanish sailboat name.

One of the ships that Christopher Columbus used to reach America in 1492.