Results for Capri


Capri is an Italian girl name.

It is the name of Italian city.

Categorized into: place names.


Capricciosa is an Italian business name for a pizza shop.

One of the most popular pizzas in Italy, which has tomato, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms, artichokes and olives.


Caprice is an english pet name for female horse. Meaning “whim, caprice”.


Capricho is a Spanish business name for a Butcher shop. Meaning “whim, caprice“.


Capricorn is a Greek sailboat name.

Name of the tenth sign of the zodiac and of a constellation. It is represented by a sea monster hybrid between goat and fish. It symbolizes wisdom and waters.

In Greek mythology it refers to the Amaltea goat, raised by Zeus in Crete to hide from his father Cronus, who devoured his children.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Capricornio is a Spanish sailboat name.

Spanish form of Capricorn.

Eight names for butcher shops

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Eight sea monsters names for sailboats

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Italian pizza restaurant Names

Pizza is one of the most famous and appreciated dishes in the world, and its origin dates back to Italian cuisine. For this reason, many people who want to open a pizzeria choose to choose an Italian name that reflects the essence, tradition and flavor of this delicious food. (more…)


Tropic is an English business name for a beach snack bar.

Region of the Earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Capricorn. This region is known for its high temperatures and frondiness.