Results for Cabin


The Cabin is an English business name for pub.

Ideal name for small pubs.

Eight names for carpentries and cabinetmakers


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Fala was a purebred Scottish terrier known for being the pet of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

This animal became a public figure in his own right, thanks to his loyalty, intelligence and antics that captured the hearts of the American people and made him one of the most famous presidential dogs in history. (more…)


The Koru yacht, owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, is a colossal vessel that has not stopped generating a stir since its launch in 2023. With an estimated price of $500 million, the Koru is one of the largest yachts and luxury in the world, and has been criticized for its ostentation and its environmental impact. (more…)


Leifsbúðir is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “Leif’s Cabins”.

Ship belonging to Leif Erikson, considered the first European to reach America, about 500 years before Christopher Columbus. He was the son of Erik the Red, the founder of the Viking colony in Greenland.