Results for Brad

10 labrador retriever female dogs names

10 labrador retriever male dogs names


Bradford is an English boy name.

Short form of Bradley and Bradford.


Bradford is an English boy name.

From a surname which came from a place name and means “broad ford” in Old English.

Categorized into: place names.


Bradley is an English boy name.

From a surname which came from a place name and means “broad clearing” in Old English.

Categorized into: place names.


Eight names for labrador retriever dogs

Clic to know the meaning of any name!

Female Labrador Retriever Dog Names

Male Labrador Retriever Dog Names


Here we bring you a moving story to discover the meaning of the name Hachiko, an option that represents loyalty, unconditional love and unwavering devotion.



Yaneli is a girl’s name that has no clear origin and meaning. There are several theories about its origin: