Results for Ava


Aimar is a Basque boy name.

Medieval name from Navarre.


Aitor is a Basque boy name. Meaning “noble”.

It comes from the Suletin expression “aitoren semea“, which in turn derives from the phrase “aita onen semea“, which translates as “son of good parents”.

Name popularized by the historical novel “Amaya or the Basques in the 8th century”. This book was written in the mid-nineteenth century by Francisco Navarro Villoslada.


Alaitz is a Basque girl name.

Name of a mountain located in Navarre.

Categorized into: Place names

Alexa: A name in danger of extinction?

Remember when Alexa was a popular name for girls? Just a few years ago, it was among the favorites of many parents. However, the popularity of this name has seen a significant drop in recent years. What is this about?



Anchor is an english business name for pub. Meaning “anchor, naval device”.


Archimedes is a sailboat name.

He was one of the most versatile and brilliant inventors and scientists of antiquity.

In the naval world, he stood out for building the Siracusia, one of the largest merchant ships of ancient times.


Ava is a hebrew girl name. Meaning “living”.

Categorized into: biblical names


Avah is an English girl name.

Variant of Eve.


Avaline is an English girl name.

Variant of Aveline.


Avalon is an English girl name.

Paradise island where King Arthur was taken after his death.

This name may derive from the Welsh word “afal” meaning “apple”.

In ancient times this fruit was related to paradise.