Results for Asher


Aser is a Spanish boy name.

Spanish form of Asher.


Asher is a Hebrew boy name. Meaning “happy, blessed”.

In the Old Testament he is the son of Jacob and Zilpah, her wife’s handmaid.

Categorized into: biblical names


Brioso is a Spanish pet name for male reindeer. Meaning “lively”.

Name by which Dasher (Santa’s reindeer) is also known in Spanish-speaking countries.


Dasher is an English pet name for male reindeer.

Discover the Names of Santa Claus’s Reindeer: A Complete Guide

When it comes to the holiday season, we all know the magical tale of Santa Claus and his faithful helpers: the reindeer. But have you ever wondered what the names of these magical reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh through the skies are? In this article, we’ll take you on a delightful journey to uncover the names of Santa Claus’s reindeer. Get ready to dive into holiday tradition as we reveal the secrets behind these furry companions of Santa.



Enérgico is a Spanish pet name for male reindeer. Meaning “energetic”.

Name by which Dasher (Santa’s reindeer) is also known in Spanish-speaking countries.


Jactancioso is a Spanish pet name for male reindeer. Meaning “boastful”.

Name by which Dasher (Santa’s reindeer) is also known in Spanish-speaking countries.


Presuntuoso is a Spanish pet name for male reindeer. Meaning “Presumptuous”.

Name by which Dasher (Santa’s reindeer) is also known in Spanish-speaking countries.


Vondín is a Spanish pet name for male reindeer.

Name by which Dasher (Santa’s reindeer) is also known in Spanish-speaking countries.