Results for Arthur


Arthur is an English boy name.

Possibly derived from the Celtic word “artos” which means “bear“.


Artie is an English boy name.

Diminutive of Erin and Arthur.


Artur is a Catalan boy name.

Catalan form of Arthur.


Avalon is an English girl name.

Paradise island where King Arthur was taken after his death.

This name may derive from the Welsh word “afal” meaning “apple”.

In ancient times this fruit was related to paradise.


Guinevere is a French girl name.

Norman French form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar.

Derived from the Ancient elements “gwen” (fair, white) and “sebara” (phantom).

In Arthurian legend she was the beautiful wife of King Arthur.

Categorized into: Fictional characters names

Mary Celeste

Mary Celeste is an English Sailboat name. Sometimes also it appears written with the erroneous form “Marie Celeste”.

This is the name of a Scottish brig that appeared in 1861 sailing unmanned in the Atlantic Ocean to Gibraltar.

This fact inspired the fictional novel “J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement”, written by the English novelist Arthur Conan Doyle.