Results for Ariñe

10 Famous submarine names

50 boat names

Are you looking for a name for your boat? Do you want it to be original, beautiful and reflect your personality or tastes? Choosing a name for your boat is not an easy task, as there are many factors that can influence your decision. That’s why, in this article we are going to show you 50 names for boats and their meaning, so that you can get inspired and find the one you like the most. (more…)


Aguamarina is a Spanish sailboat name.

Spanish form of Aquamarine.

Categorized into: Gemstones names


Aquamarine is an English sailboat name.

Blue gem.

Categorized into: Gemstones names


Ariñe is a Basque girl name. Meaning “light”.

It derives from the Basque word “arin” (ligt) to which the feminine suffix -e is added.


Balao is a Spanish submarine name.

Name of an American submarine used in the Second World War that technologically improved its predecessor, Gato class.

Balao is the name of a city in Ecuador.


Chimera is a Greek sailboat name.

This word has several meanings. We present the two most common and one related to a marine animal. (more…)


Dolphin is an english business name for pub. Meaning “dolphin, marine mammal”.

Categorized into: animal names


Drebbel is a German submarine name.

Submersible tested on the River Tamesis (England) in 1621 and considered the first real submarine in history.

It receives the name of its inventor, the Dutchman Cornelius Drebbel.

Eight famous captains names for boats

Let’s set sail together on a journey through maritime history, learning the story of some of the most intrepid captains who braved the waves and left their mark on nautical annals. (more…)